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Chinese teacher - učiteľka Čínskeho jazyka

Chinese teacher - učiteľka Čínskeho jazyka
Slovakia Bratislavský kraj Bratislava Published December 11, 2020 ID #1255390

Mzda: 812 € za mesiac

Dĺžka praxe: aspoň 1 rok

Pracovný pomer - doba: pracovný pomer na určitú dobu

Pracovná oblasť: Výchova, vzdelávanie a šport

Názov pozície: Chinese teacher - učiteľka Čínskeho jazyka

Ponúkaný plat: 812 € za mesiac

Názov spoločnosti: Súkromná materská škola, Kozia 25, Bratislava

Text inzerátu: Náplň práce:
Our kindergarten is looking for Chinese teacher to work with children from 3 to 6 years old. The working time is from 8:00 am to 4.30 pm Monday to Friday and the teacher will take care of small group of 7 children pre classroom.
- take care of small group of children from age of 3 to 6
- helping to develop learning programmes
- motivating and encouraging pupils
- attending meetings and reviews
- helping with school events, trips and activities

Requirements for the candidate:
- pedagogical education for kindergarten or elementary school
- experience with teaching children
- communicability, autonomy, responsibility, patience
- teamwork
Accomodation provided by employer
Free lunches provided by employer