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Yap, Joey: Face Reading Essentials - Palaces and Positions

Yap, Joey: Face Reading Essentials - Palaces and Positions
Slovakia Published November 9, 2020 ID #978834

popis: What can you learn from different Palaces and Positions?
The Face Reading Essentials - Palaces and Positions provides an entertaining yet handy guide to the hidden meanings these facial features can reveal about an individual.
Palaces and Positions are considered the core technique in the Art of Face Reading. The Palaces reveals how you approach life, your past, your potential for the future, and your traits in relation to the twelve pertinent aspects of your life.
Want to know about your financial status? Study your Wealth Palace. How about your career's progress? Check out your Career Palace. Perhaps you want to understand what's affecting your relationship life? Read your Marriage Palace.
With this guide, you'll be able to read your own face and those around you to better understand each other's personality and destiny.
autor/autori: Yap, Joeyvydal: JY Books, 2011číslo produktu: 10207455dodanie: v SR: od 2 €, pri objednávkach cez obooks.sk osobný odber 2x Bratislava (0 €), na 500+ PickUp pointoch (od 2 €) ; v ČR: dodanie od 75 Kč a osobný odber v 2000+ miestach; v EU a svet: platba vopred, poštovné podľa váhypoznámka: Fotografia je ilustračný obrázok, použitý produkt môže vykazovať známky menšieho, alebo väčšieho použitia, nemusí mať prebal ak ho mal pri výrobe, prílohy a odnímateľné časti. Poskytujeme plnú záruku na vnútro knihy, t.j. je prevedená ručná kontrola chýbajúcich strán a ich čistoty.